TWG is the world's première tea brand. It is a brand synonymous with luxury and quality from Singapore to Saigon to Surrey. Everywhere you go, where they give a damn at least, you'll see TWG and now you'll know you're in the presence of tea with a high assurance of freshness, unbeatable terroir and flavour combinations the folks over at Tetley, Earl Grey or Lipton simply can't pull off or wouldn't even try. TWG Vancouver does tea better than anyone in the city! Sure luxury restaurants and lounges have jumped on the bandwagon and offer a small selection of TWG wares, but you can rest assured they aren't getting the absolute freshest teas and I will bet $1,000,000 that they won't have half the selection!
The Jubilee Tea Set, created by the venerable Chef Cliff Hohl, - celebrates Canada turning 150 by offering ingredients that are truly Canadian. There's elk, salmon, all maple erythang and Canadian bacon so delicious it will satisfy even the ficklest of swine enthusiasts. The Jubilee tea was made specifically to celebrate the Canada's centennial and a half and is the first tea inspired by Canada.
Iced French Earl Grey
Now Chef Cliff, happily a friend of Jenn and I, will take his recipes to his grave, but I can tell you this: if you crack these secrets you too can be the Executive Chef at one of Vancouver's best eateries. Miso sablefish is an iconic TWG staple; delicious, light and flaky, but TWG has added Canada's national treasure, maple syrup, to the mix and the results are deafening. Run, don't walk, and get down there and try it!
Jubilee Tea Set
Ahhhhhh Wagyu... Why are you so delicious? How do you get that sought after marbling? The answer to these questions is... I haven't the faintest, foggiest idea, but what I do know is I once had a $152 Wagyu steak that changed the way I look at cows. Literally. For their Jubilee tea set TWG included a Wagyu beef burger that was so incredibly tender and savoury that I got angry. I was noticeably irritated. How do you do it Chef Cliff!?
Wagyu Beef Slider with Maple Beef Bacon and Moroccan Mint Tea infused BBQ sauce, Miso Maple Sablefish infused with Caramel Tea
The salmon came poached and accompanied with lemon Panna cotta and popcorn. I don't know about you, but when I think about going to the movies I invariably also think about eating fistfuls of buttery popcorn and getting 3 out of every 5 kernels into my mouth as the blur that is my eating arm pitches them from waist height to reduce the time it takes to reach back into the tub and repeat the process. You'd be hard pressed the find a dish that includes popped corn that I wouldn't like and today is not the day I start. Delicious!
Salmon Confit and Lemon Bush Tea infused Panna Cotta, Tourtière with Weekend in Hong Kong infused rhubarb chutney, Imperial Lapsang Souchong infused Chicken Cone
There is a movement in the foodie community that has been around for a whole, but is really starting to take hold of late as we destroy our planet just a little bit more every year: sustainability. It can mean different things to different people, but the gist is "eat in a manner that is viable long term." So how do we do it? It must start by moving away, ever so slowly, from beef. Yes, I waxed poetically about my Wagyu lust above, but then just said that. But why? There are 3 main arguments against beef: Deforestation. We clear more carbon dioxide guzzling trees to accommodate these three-stomached behemoths than most other pursuits. Farts. The methane emitted from the flatulence of these giant beast is a major contributor to global warming. Google it. And finally shipping. Do you live near the Amazon where millions of these creatures roam where once the pieces of the mighty Amazon jungle stood majestically? Me neither. That's a lot of trucks and a lot of kilometres to cross before it gets in my tummy! Wild game is becoming more and more common on dining tables and restaurants and it is a good thing! The tourtière at TWG is a blend of Wagyu beef and elk, baby steps, and was my favourite dish in the tea set! It has amazing flavours words won't do justice. You'll have to go check it out!
Once you get to the dessert level of the tower of deliciousness (my suggestion for any possible future renaming of this tea set) your expectations are high. TWG wouldn't dare disappoint you at this point. Included is a maple eclair, delicious and not as sweet as you would imagine. Insider's tip: eat it upside down to avoid a mess! There was also a croque en bouche and a passionfruit and mango tart. The croque is worthy of any French bistro and the tart is absolutely delicious and the mousse just melts in your mouth! This post may spur you to try TWG for the first time, but service, their incredible newly renovated dining room and quality, absolute top quality, will be what keeps you coming back!
Sweets: Petite Maple Éclair, Red Balloon Tea Macaron, Napoleon Tea infused Croque-en-bouche, Passion Fruit Tea infused Passion Fruit and Mango Tartlet
Special Canada 150 Jubilee Tea
Words: Scott Allan
Photos: Jenn Chan